Tuesday, September 18, 2012

1 Powerful Reason To Quit Smoking Cigarettes For-ever!!

If ever a picture was worth a thousand words then this one is it!!

Stop Smoking Now!!!

Smoking Hot Katherine Heigl Smokes An Electronic Cigarette On The David Letterman Show!

When I saw this on Youtube I just knew I had to share this with you guys! Here you have a smoking hot hottie like Katherine Heigl smoking an electronic cigarette on The David Letterman show. This shows you just how popular these e-cigs have become. And why not? These babies are the perfect smoking alternative for those people who don't want to totally give up the joys of smoking,but at the same time,they want to avoid the deadly effects of tobacco smoke. The funniest part of this video is when Dave himself actually took a few drags on the e-cig! Looks like he had some prctice smoking!!

Why You Should Stop Smoking Now!

You should stop smoking 
If you really want to quit smoking ,but are struggling to stay with it, then what you need are powerful, driving reasons why you absolutely must do so as soon as possible!. Three very awesome reasons are your physical health, greatly improved energy and physical vitality and regaining control over your life. After reading this article you will indeed have highly motivating reasons to end your smoking habit-now!

When you seriously want to quit smoking, having a reason to quit is absolutely necessary. The most obvious and important reason to stop is of course your physical health. Now we all know that smoking is a deadly habit, but seeing the brutal truth about the self inflicted destruction that results by choosing to continue to smoke in writing can give us the leverage to drop this habit.

Smoking greatly increases your risk of all kinds of cancer, especially lung cancer. I’ve seen up close what a horrible death by this disease really looks like. Slowly, but surely your once healthy body will wither away and you will hardly recognize your-self in the mirror. Your family will be in absolute agony at watching you die right before their eyes and will feel helpless to do anything except to try to make your finally days as pleasant as possible.

Understanding the brutal truth about the physical toll smoking takes on you should be a very powerful reason to ditch the habit pronto. But in case you need further motivation, think about having the energy and physical vitality to live your life to the fullest! Smoking destroys your energy. First of all, it seriously hampers your breathing because of the damage it does to your lunges. It decreases your ability to breathe fully which decreases the amount of oxygen in the blood. Smoking destroys B vitamins in the your body. The B vitamins are necessary for energy production.

 Once you banish your smoking habit you will begin to see almost immediate improvements in physical vitality. With more energy you can live your life more fully!

Having more energy and vitality to me is a very good reason to do away with smoking, but here is yet another reason, personal freedom. When you have a smoking addiction you are literally a slave to it. It controls your day to day activities and mocks you in a very humiliating way. Allowing a disgusting habit to control you is really self defeat. You are not in control of your life. How-ever, once you break free from the grips of this habit you will feel a sense of personal freedom and marvelous victory over self. With this feeling of self mastery you will experience higher self esteem and a feeling of personal achievement.
So when you look at it, having powerful reasons to quit smoking can be a deciding factor in

your success or failure. Be sure to focus on improving your physical health, having more energy and vitality and the personal freedom you will experience. Now that you have these powerful reasons to quit you should ready to do what ever you have to do to achieve your goal of destroying your smoking addiction!

3 Reasons To Establish A Stop Soking Tmeline

Stop smoking timeline
If you’re serious about breaking free of the deadly habit of smoking cigarettes, then you will need to establish a quit smoking time line to do so. When trying to establish this time line you basically need to remember three things. Those are to have a driving reason to quit, gradually reduce the number of cigarettes and establish a firm date to stop smoking. After reading this article you will have the knowledge and motivation to finally become an ex-smoker!

When you consider trying to establish a stop smoking time line, the first and most important thing you can do is to have a driving reason to quit in the first place. Some people make the mistake of choosing to quit because of pressure from others. While this can provide some motivation, nothing is as effective as have an inner drive and motivation to quit because you want to. When you finally receive a wake up call(like the death of a loved one from lung cancer)you will have that intense determination to do what-ever it takes!

Once you have established those heart felt reasons to quit the next step in the stop smoking time line is to use the gradual reduction method. One of the biggest mistakes some smokers make is to try quitting cold turkey. It is very difficult to break deeply intrenched habits cold turkey. What you’re doing when using the cold turkey method is you are relaying on willpower, which is perhaps the most in-effective way to break this habit.

 A better way is to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke each day. If you smoke two packs a day, try to cut two cigarettes a day from your smoking. This way, you still can smoke but you enjoy the psychological pleasure of knowing that you are doing something to change this habit.

By using the gradual reduction method you will gain a sense of greater self-control and the enjoyment of knowing you are heading in the right direction. To help you quit this habit you will need to set a firm quit date. Since we are all goal-oriented beings, having a specific quit date will be a powerful motivator.

You will see the light at the end of the tunnel. Since you will be gradually decreasing the number of cigarettes you smoke each day, it will become easier and easier to simply do with-out cigarettes for longer and longer periods of times. This quit date should be written down along with some kind of reward for your marvelous achievement. Maybe that new flat screen tv or that diamond ring you’ve always wanted.

Breaking the habit of smoking is very challenging but as you can see, it can be done with the right techniques. You should remember to have strong, sincere reasons to want to quit ,use the gradual reduction method and to establish a quit date. By following these steps you will be on the road to breaking free of this deadly addiction. Good luck!

The Top 3 Benefits Of Quitting Smoking As Soon As Possible!

The benefits of quitting smoking
If you’re looking to enjoy the many benefits of quitting smoking, then you really should be aware of a few things. Those things are the immediate health improvements you will enjoy, possibly adding more years to your life and the huge financial gains of quitting. After reading this article you will be sufficiently motivated to finally decide to stop smoking for good.

When we talk about the benefits of quitting smoking, the first and most important thing to consider is the immediate health improvements you will enjoy. I think its safe to assume that most adults know that smoking is a dangerous and deadly habit to have. What you may not be aware of it the immediate health benefits you will enjoy after giving up this habit. After only a short period of time your lungs will begin to heal. With your ever improving lung capacity you will find it easier to breath. This will crease your energy and stamina.

Once you stop using cigarettes even for a short time you will see immediate health improvements. Another one of the important benefits of quitting smoking is that it can adds more years to your life. The sooner you decide to quit, the better your chances are for a longer life. If you are 35 and under you can possibly add seven to nine years to your life, according to The American Lung Association. Even if you decide to quit later on in life, like after the age of fifty, you can still add two to three years to your life!
Adding more years to your life is absolutely one of the best benefits of quitting smoking today! Besides the enormous health benefits, you will enjoy having more money in your pocket. That’s right. As you have no doubt noticed ,the prices of cigarettes are crazy! The government puts a so called sin tax on each carton of smokes which continue to get higher and higher. Once you give up this habit you can actually save about $1500 a year. That’s extra money to put to better use.

In conclusion, you can see that by making the decision to stop now, you can enjoy the many benefits of quitting smoking like immediate health improvements, adding more years to your life and great financial savings. So, the sooner you start the better off you will be. Now that you know the facts you can use this knowledge to get off the fence and finally quit!

A great smoking altrenative is electronic cigarettes. Maybe you're not ready to give up smoking entirely,yet you know how damaging smoking tobacco is to your health. With electronic cigarettes you can still enjoy smoking yet avoid the deadly effects of tobacco smoke! E cigarettes do not contain tobacco so there is no tobacco smoke. E-cigs use what's known as e-juice which contains just the nicotine you crave. This e-juice is heated when you take a drag. This creates a vapor that is odorless and disipates quickly so there is no offensive tobacco smoke to bother other people. To view a great selection of ecigarettes,head on over to www.bestbuyecigarettes.com

3 Reasons Why Electronic Cigarettes Are The Best Smoking Alternative

Electronic cigarettes-best smoking alternative
If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and long for an effective smoking alternative then you need to consider making the switch to electronic cigarettes. When deciding wether or not to try e-cigs there are three exciting benefits that you should be aware of. Those are that you avoid deadly cigarette smoke, you control the nicotine strength and you can choose from a wide range of e-liquid flavors.

When you consider that over 400,00 Americans die each year from the effects of cigarette smoking, it is to your advantage to find an effective smoking alternative as soon as possible. As you know, there are cease smoking gums, patches and other drugs, but these smoking alternatives haven’t really done the job for millions of people who continue to smoke. Before we get started, let’s be clear on one thing. Electronic cigarettes are not meant as a quit smoking device and legally they are not allowed to market e-cigs as such. What these smokeless cigarettes are designed to do is act as an effective, healthier alternative to smoking regular cigarettes.

One of the most important reasons why electronic cigarettes are an effective smoking alternative is that it allows you to enjoy smoking while at the same time avoiding the deadly effects of tobacco smoke. It’s not the nicotine that does so much damage to the body, but rather inhaling tobacco smoke. Cigarettes contain over 4000 chemicals and some of those are deadly. Just a few of them are tar, arsenic ,ammonia ,formaldehyde and benzopyrene. Electronic cigarettes are an efficient nicotine delivery system. When you inhale on an electronic cigarette you activate the atomizer which vaporizes a liquid solution that contains nicotine. You get to experience the pleasurable effects of the nicotine with-out actually breathing in toxic cigarette smoke.

Avoiding the deadly, life threatening smoke from smoking regular cigarettes is a massively important reason to use electronic cigarettes as a smoking alternative. Another undeniable reason is that with e-cigs you get to control the strength of the nicotine levels you consume. Most of the smokeless cigarettes on the market today offers the consumer different nicotine strengths that they want to use. There are the high levels around 24mg, the medium level which is 16mg,the light level which is 6mg and there’s even 0mg which contain no nicotine at all. So, not only do you get to still enjoy the sensations of smoking, but you control just how much nicotine you consume.

Having the control and freedom to choose the exact levels of nicotine you ingest puts more weight behind the decision to switch over to smokeless cigarettes. Here is the final reason why you should seriously cross over to the healthier alternative, the wide flavor varieties of the e0liquids available to people who use electronic cigarettes. If you are a hard-core smoking traditionalist, then there is the menthol and tobacco flavored e-liquids for you, but if you want to add some delicious flavors to your smoking there are some exciting choices available to you.

There are e-liquids in vanilla, strawberry, chocolate and coffee with new and tasty varieties being introduced all of the time. Cigarettes that taste like chocolate? These truly are wonderful times we are living in!
So, in conclusion you can see that the argument for making the immediate switch from tobacco cigarettes to the decidedly healthier electronic cigarettes is strong. The benefits you will enjoy are avoiding the deadly toxic effects of tobacco smoke, being able to control the nicotine levels and choosing from many tasty e-liquids available to you. Now that you know more about the benefits of e-cigs over regular cigarettes you should be ready to go out there and try out these marvelous new smoking alternatives!
Why not judge for your-self? Check out the great selection of electronic cigarette starter kits over at www.bestbuyecigarettes.com 

Just What The Heck Is An Electronic Cigarette And Why Should I Care?

What is an electronic cigarette
If you are one of the growing population of people who are curios about what exactly is an electronic cigarette and maybe thinking about trying one, then you really need to consider a few important facts. Those facts are that e-cigarettes allows you to enjoy smoking with out the deadly effects of tobacco, you can choose from many exciting flavors and the freedom to enjoy smoking almost anywhere. After reading this article you will be better informed as to why you should make the switch from real cigarettes to the electronic version.

First, let’s discuss exactly what an electronic cigarettes is in the first place. E-cigs are small battery operated devices that look, feel and even taste like conventional cigarettes, but they do not contain tobacco. E cigarettes use a solution known as e-juice or e- liquids that contain nicotine. This e-juice is heated when some one takes a puff on the e cigarette which produces a vapor instead of smoke like a tobacco cigarette. This vapor dissipates very quickly and is harmless to others.

One of the exciting reasons that you should consider making the switch to electronic cigarettes is that they allow you to enjoy the pleasures of smoking with out the deadly side effect that are associated with real cigarettes. Today, nobody disputes the fact that smoking is extremely dangerous to your health. Cigarettes contain upwards of 4000 chemicals, many of which are deadly when consumed into your body. You see, it’s not the nicotine itself that’s so damaging, but the tobacco smoke being inhaled into your body. Electronic cigarettes are an efficient nicotine delivery system that allows you to get the nicotine you crave while at the same time allowing you to avoid the deadly cigarette smoke. If that isn’t reason enough to switch, then what is?!

The fact that e cigs allows you to continue to enjoy the sensations of smoking while at the same time side stepping the negative aspects of smoking is reason enough to make the switch. Another fantastic reason is the fact that smokeless cigarettes allow you the freedom to smoke just about anywhere. Let’s face it. Smokers are not welcomed in most public places. Cigarette smoke not only harms you, but other people as well. With e-cigarettes you can smoke in many areas where tobacco cigarettes are banned because you are not burning tobacco. The smoke that ecigs produces is really a harmless vapor that disappears very quickly. There is no strong, offensive smoke.

Having the freedom to enjoy smoking in many places where tobacco cigarettes are banned is yet another reason to make the change. The last reason is the new exciting e liquid flavors that are now available to people who use e-cigarettes. In the beginning, there were the traditional tobacco and menthol flavors, but as time marched on some new and delicious flavors hit the market like chocolate, coffee, vanilla and even strawberry. It makes your mouth begin to water just thinking about it.

So, as you can see, there are some powerful arguments in favor of making the switch from tobacco cigarettes to electronic cigarettes. those reasons are that you can continue to smoke and avoid the deadly effects of tobacco cigarettes, you have the freedom to smoke just about anywhere and you get to choose from many exciting new e liquid flavors. Now that you read this article you are more informed on why you really should switch from real cigarettes to their electronic counter parts today!

If you want to shop for your first electronic cigarette starter kit,a great place to go is www.bestbuyecigarettes.com

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Why Not Try Out Nicotine Substitutes to Quit Smoking?

Why Not Try Out Nicotine Substitutes to Quit Smoking?

How To Help Some-one Stop Smoking In 3 Effective Steps!

Help some-one stop smoking
When you decide to help some-one quit smoking there are a few things that you should keep in mind. Those things are to support their decision to quit, understand nicotine withdrawal and to remain positive if they relapse. After reading this article you will be better prepared to successful help some-one quit smoking.

First, before you decide to help some one stop smoking, they should have already made the decision. They are ultimately in control. As much as we would like, we can’t force some-one to quit if they are not ready. Once they have made the decision offer them your full support. Don’t nag them or pressure them. This can create stress for them and make them want to smoke. Also, remember that quitting is their decision and their responsibility. Never feel guilty if they fail.

Understanding that it is their decision to quit and that they are responsible for following through is important to remember. When you try and help some one with their smoking habit, it help tremendously to understand nicotine addiction. Once you get an understanding of the challenges of nicotine addiction you will be more patient with them. One of the most important facts about nicotine withdrawal is that the physical symptoms usually start to fade about two weeks. Tell you friend or loved one this fact and it will make it easier for them to see the light at end of the tunnel.

Understanding nicotine addiction is very necessary when you lend your support to some-one looking to make this change in life-style. Rarely is success in life a straight forward march. Usually you take two steps forward and one step back. When trying to overcome a smoking habit, there is bound to be a relapse. In fact, many smokers will have to attempt quitting at least seven times before they finally quit. So be understanding and stay supportive. Encourage them to get back on course. Get them to see this as a marathon not a sprint.

Helping some one to quit smoking will be a challenge for them and for you, but it can be done. You must constantly remember to offer them your support when they decide to quit, understand nicotine addition and to remain supportive if they relapse. By using these simple tips you will be better prepared to lend your support to a friend or family member who want to make this important life-style change.

For even more powerful ways to help some-one you care about quit smoking click here!click here

Monday, September 10, 2012

Discover 3 Powerful Benefits of Electronic Cigarettes

Benefits of ecigarettes
If you are a smoker who’s concerned about devastating health effects of regular cigarettes, then you should be aware of the awesome benefits of using electronic cigarettes. Those benefits are you save a ton of money, avoid the deadly effective of regular cigarettes, the freedom to smoke just about anywhere, you avoid the stink of regular cigarettes, you control the amount of nicotine and you avoid hurting others with deadly second hand smoke. After reading this article you will be highly motivated to make the switch to electronic cigarettes!
One of the greatest benefits of electronic cigarettes is that they are smokeless, which means that you are not inhaling toxic fumes inside of your body. It’s not just the smoke from conventional cigarettes that are so dangerous, but the fact that cigarettes contain 4000 toxic chemicals in them! Some of these chemicals are Arsenic, tar, acetone, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide.
Another wonderful benefit of electronic cigarettes is that you don’t endanger the lives of others with dangerous second hand smoke. You see, the electronic cigarettes is smokeless. The smoke that an e cigarette produces isn’t actually smoke. It’s a vapor that quickly vanishes into the that doesn’t contain the harmful substances the conventional cigarette contain. This means that you don’t have to worry about harming others with dangerous second hand smoke.

Then there is the financial benefits of electronic cigarettes. The average cost of a carton of cigarettes is about $10! Wow! That really adds up. If you smoked a pack a day then you would be out of $70 a week! In a month you would spend $280 on cigarettes. Imagine if you smoked more than one pack a day?! With the electronic cigarette you save big because the cartridges the e cigs use are less than a carton of cigarettes and are longer lasting.

So, as you can see, there are many powerful reasons to consider making the shift from conventional cigarettes to the electronic cigarette. You can avoid many of the 4000 harmful chemicals in conventional cigarettes, you spare other of dangerous second hand smoke and you save tons of money. Now that you know these fantastic advantages of electronic cigarettes, you are in a better position to make an informed decision.

A great site that features a fine selection of Electronic cigarette starter kits and accessories is www.bestbuyecigarettes.com   As a special thanks for checking out this blog you can redeem a 10% discount coupon off of any purchase at the site. Your coupon code is ecigforum1  Simply submit this code at check out!