Tuesday, September 18, 2012

3 Reasons To Establish A Stop Soking Tmeline

Stop smoking timeline
If you’re serious about breaking free of the deadly habit of smoking cigarettes, then you will need to establish a quit smoking time line to do so. When trying to establish this time line you basically need to remember three things. Those are to have a driving reason to quit, gradually reduce the number of cigarettes and establish a firm date to stop smoking. After reading this article you will have the knowledge and motivation to finally become an ex-smoker!

When you consider trying to establish a stop smoking time line, the first and most important thing you can do is to have a driving reason to quit in the first place. Some people make the mistake of choosing to quit because of pressure from others. While this can provide some motivation, nothing is as effective as have an inner drive and motivation to quit because you want to. When you finally receive a wake up call(like the death of a loved one from lung cancer)you will have that intense determination to do what-ever it takes!

Once you have established those heart felt reasons to quit the next step in the stop smoking time line is to use the gradual reduction method. One of the biggest mistakes some smokers make is to try quitting cold turkey. It is very difficult to break deeply intrenched habits cold turkey. What you’re doing when using the cold turkey method is you are relaying on willpower, which is perhaps the most in-effective way to break this habit.

 A better way is to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke each day. If you smoke two packs a day, try to cut two cigarettes a day from your smoking. This way, you still can smoke but you enjoy the psychological pleasure of knowing that you are doing something to change this habit.

By using the gradual reduction method you will gain a sense of greater self-control and the enjoyment of knowing you are heading in the right direction. To help you quit this habit you will need to set a firm quit date. Since we are all goal-oriented beings, having a specific quit date will be a powerful motivator.

You will see the light at the end of the tunnel. Since you will be gradually decreasing the number of cigarettes you smoke each day, it will become easier and easier to simply do with-out cigarettes for longer and longer periods of times. This quit date should be written down along with some kind of reward for your marvelous achievement. Maybe that new flat screen tv or that diamond ring you’ve always wanted.

Breaking the habit of smoking is very challenging but as you can see, it can be done with the right techniques. You should remember to have strong, sincere reasons to want to quit ,use the gradual reduction method and to establish a quit date. By following these steps you will be on the road to breaking free of this deadly addiction. Good luck!

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